
Sidebars examples

More Payments Payfast


More Payments for Payfast has a number of checks and controls built in to handle scenarios where the customer closes the web page early or where a suspicios payment is detected

Check Completed Transactions

There are scenarios where a payment is succesful but the order is not updated within BigCommerce. This typically happens when the customer closes the browser window after the payment is completed but before the page is returned to BigCommerce for the order to be updated.

More Payments for Payfast handles such a scenario by monitoring payments for which the payment notification was received (More Payments for Payfast status Notified) for more than 5 minutes.

In this scenario, More Payments for Payfast completes the order creation in BigCommerce and marks the order with the status assigned to suspicious payments (which is by default Manual Verification Required). A note is also added to the order in BigCommerce.

There may be a scenario where the payment is succesful and the user closes the web page before returning to BigCommerce. If the customer then goes to the BigCommerce page after closing the web page, but before More Payments for Payfast detected the order not being completed (5 minute window), the order may still show incomplete as BigCommerce had not been updated yet. If the user does attempt to pay for the order again, the customer will be advised that a payment had been received relating to the cart, but will not stop the user from proceeding with the payment.

Suspicious Payments

Payfast recommend four checks when completing a payment. When one of these checks are failed, More Payments for Payfast allows the user to move the order to a defined status. This status is by default Manual Verification Required.

A payment that fails the four Payfast checks is still procesed. The order is simply highlighted as the store owner may want to look into the specific order.